New Features

Carousel Mobile Show full text

As parts of our continuous improvements we have released a new version of our Carousel layout code. A few weeks ago we had made this layout display only part of the content if this was stretching too far down the page.

This change was indeed requested by several MyReviews users but left others unhappy because part of the reviews text was not visible.

Now this layout has a link at the bottom of the carousel “Show More” and users of the site can click it to expand the text of all reviews to their full content as provided by the original website.

Here is an example visible in this image

MyReviews Carousel show more review text

Once the users sees the review and wants to read more they can click on the link and the app will render again with all the reviews extended text visible.

We hope you appreciate this change and always please contact us if you would like to share any feedback or have any questions about MyReviews.