How fast is MyReviews going to load on my Wix website?

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MyReviews uses high performance servers and the code is vetted for performance on every release. We do use Google PageSpeed and we have an amazing track record of loading your reviews as fast as possible. Below you can see our rating is 98 our of 100 which is great for any app. When looking at […]

Facebook Access Disabled

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We acquire access to your Facebook data when you authorise MyReviews access on the installation/on boarding process. We use the Facebook recommended approach but sometimes Facebook invalidates this access if: You change your Facebook password. Facebook blocks our access based on some internal undisclosed logic. In the event this access is invalidated we send you […]

How can I cancel my Wix app subscription?

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If you are not happy with our application please consider contacting us to help you with information and troubleshooting. However, if you are sure you would like to cancel please access your Wix panel app subscriptions as all billing aspects for our Wix application are handled directly by Wix.