Adding Facebook shows empty or error when adding the page to MyReviews

Due to a recent, since the 13th October at 12:05,  bug introduced by Facebook developers the top Facebook logo with the overall and total ratings is not visible.
Also the editor will show you the error

ERROR! Your reviews from Facebook returned an error, empty overall rating or no rating. We suggest you check on the original site to fix the problem! If you think this is shown in error please contact us and we will be happy to help.

Please notice the error will be shown until Facebook fixes their bug. The list of reviews will still be visible from Facebook so at the moment the main problem is that the Facebook top logo is not available, as well as the overall and total amount of reviews.

If you would like to know when this gets fixed promptly please like our page or follow our update on MyReviews Page – Facebook count bug notice


This bug is now fixed. If you are still having problems with your Facebook reviews please contact us